New Snap Back Arrestor (SBA) mooring ropes

New Snap Back Arrestor (SBA) mooring ropes

Maneuvers with boat mooring ropes are one of the most dangerous aspects of port operations, being the cause of several accidents worldwide. When a mooring rope snaps while securing a vessel, the abrupt release of energy can make the rope whip around the maneuvering area at a speed of about 800 km/h, almost triple the maximum speed reached by a Formula 1 vehicle. With this in mind, last year Aliança began the acquisition and subsequent installation of mooring ropes with a new safety technology called Snap Back Arrestor (SBA).

Developed by Norwegian manufacturer TIMM ROPES, the new rope features a special core that stretches longer than the surrounding material, absorbing the energy released during breakage. As a result, instead of whipping unpredictably at high speeds, an SBA cable will simply fall to the ground when snapped.

The new ropes are also colored with a blue stripe, making it easier for operators to detect any damage or twists that could result in snapping. This is another important visual feature designed to increase work safety. Together, these innovations substantially lower the risk of adverse incidents.

After several laboratory tests, in 2019, our ship Pedro Álvares Cabral, together with several Maersk ships around the world, participated in the rope testing pilot project, which showed excellent results. This year, the new cables are already being used on all of our vessels, ensuring a much safer working environment for our employees at sea and port operators ashroe.


“Knowing that A. P. Moller-Maersk invests in cutting-edge technology for the safety of our crew is what continuously motivates us to ensure quality transportation.” Luiz Felipe Filho, Designed Person Ashore (ISM-CODE)


Here at Aliança, we believe that innovation and technology should be ubiquitous in all aspects of our work, not only for optimizing our productivity and deliveries, but also for ensuring the safety of our employees.

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