Sustainable services from end to end.
Managing all aspects of our customers' logistics supply chains includes
ensuring our operations are sustainable.

We are developing a comprehensive approach to fully integrate sustainability
as a basic component in our offerings. This includes improved tools and processes, engagement with customers
and suppliers, and cross-industry partnerships for establishing standards.

Decarbonization logistics is our strategic priority for sustainability.
Our ambition as a group is to reach zero CO2 emissions by 2050. It may seem like a challenging target, but it can be achieved.
We have already reduced our relative CO2 emissions by more than 46% since 2008, moving further towards the 2030 target of a 60% reduction.
60% relative CO2
rediction from shipping
By 2030, deliver 60% relative reduction in CO2 emissions comoared to 2008 levels.
Net zero vessels in
By 2030, have commercially viable, net zero vessels operating in our fleet.
Net zero
CO2 emissons
By 2050, have net zero CO2 emissions from our own ocean operations.

And in 2023, the Maersk group will launch its first completely CO2-free vessel, 7 years ahead of schedule.
All future vessels will be equipped with dual fuel technology, allowing for carbon neutral operations or operations with very low sulfur fuel oil (VLSFO).
Responsible Future
At Aliança, we are committed to ensuring responsible business practices in all of our operations,
in accordance with our Core Values and the principles of the UN Global Compact on human rights, labor rights, the environment
and anti-corruption, contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.


Ocean Health

Renewable Energy

Diversity and inclusion

and Compliance
Business Ethics and Compliance

Safety and Quality

Environmental Management

Value for Society

Sustainable Logistics,
A path to a better world
Learn more about the main aspects of climate change and what your company can do to achieve a better world.
Click here to check out the eBook